
Showing posts from August, 2019


DERMANSHIEL Dermanshiel is the name of a vast subterranean complex located in the permanently frozen northern region of Malvania.  The original system of caverns and tunnels has been added to over the millennia as the population increased.  It was originally occupied by a group of rebel sorcerers, breaking away from the restrictive practices of their home enclaves. Over the centuries, the population dwindled.  With the founding of newer enclaves in less hostile locations, a gradual exodus occurred.  Only a few determined archivists kept the place open until it was rediscovered by Lady Anwyn Menehari.  Following her discovery, Lord Claudio Scalani and his twin brother, the healer Emlyn Hawkins, began their explorations of the place, aided by a few enthusiastic students. It contains many books, scrolls and other historical artefacts.  It has become a place of research and contemplation.  Teachers take their students there to learn about the past.  Much of the place remai


SWAMPWOOD As the name suggests, a swampwood is an area of marshy forest. They are found all over the wilderness areas of Malvania. Their ecosystem differs from other forested areas. The twisted trees are known as bezaraks and the sentient vines which cling to them are called serpent vines. The swampwoods are home to the Geheimsvaak (translation:Secret People) and they have an element of sentience. Only Geheimsvaak and a few trusted outsiders can enter a swampwood in safety. The natural defence systems keep unwelcome intruders out. Poisonous thorn bushes can deliver nasty scratches which fester and eventually cause a slow agonising death. Vines can strangle people in a matter of seconds and the bogs can suck people under with alarming speed and ferocity.

Horeb Desert

HOREB DESERT The Horeb is the largest desert region on Sartoria.  Like all Sartorian deserts, its sand is sentient.  The Horeb is divided into several territories, each belonging to a specific tribe.  The sand knows the extent of each territory and can tell the intentions of strangers seeking to cross over from one tribal territory to another.  Thus it will only allow those who mean no harm to walk upon its surface. The sand forms a close bond with those who live in the desert and those who visit on a regular basis.  It shows its affection by clinging to the skin, hair and clothing of those it loves.  Conversely, it can whip up into a cruel sandstorm and cause immense injury, sometimes even death, to those who come to the desert with harmful intentions.  It can repel invaders before they even arrive there. Water is scarce as one would expect but the underground reserves make themselves available to the tribes, yielding just enough water to sustain life, but none to spa

Donovan Institute

DONOVAN INSTITUTE A sorcerers' enclave located in the Central Region of Malvania.  It was founded by the infamous Donovan family, who had a reputation for being maverick experimentalists embracing progressive ideas and unconventional sorcery methods. Over the centuries, it has become one of the foremost strongholds of the Vyrdigaan Order — a powerful cadre of sorcerers dedicated to studying and practising crystal theory, alchemy and advanced healing techniques.  It has gained a reputation for being controversial, especially given the Vyrdigaan Order's close links with the Carpathian Way.

Vernon's Volcano

VERNON'S VOLCANO Located in one of the wilderness regions of Viria, Vernon's Volcano is a mystical place of pilgrimage for those seeking audience with Gloria Elviria, the deity known as Mother of Viria.  The volcano is also connected with another deity, Ledni (AKA Ledina), Goddess of Fire.  Ledni inhabits the molten lava pools beneath the volcano.  She can also be peititioned, but rarely grants audiences. There are several routes for climbing up the volcano.  Each route leads to a different part of the summit.  The summit exists in multiple dimensions or parallel universes.  The choice of route dictates which version of the summit a petitioner will reach.  The most famous route is the Vanlose Stairway, so called because the blocky rock formations resemble a giant stairway cut into the side of the mountain.  This route is for those seeking audience with Gloria Elviria.  Another route leads to the dimension for contacting the elusive and reclusive Ledni.

Emporium Babaloney

EMPORIUM BABALONEY Located in Vanlose Old Town, Northern Viria, the Emporium Babaloney belongs to the sorcerer Odo Babaloney.  It serves as an apothecaire shop, selling herbal remedies and potions to cure various illnesses.  Odo also carries out sorcery healings and helps those in need. The Emporium has an element of sentience and only reveals itself to those seeking remedies for illnesses and injuries, or other troubled individuals who need protection and/or spiritual guidance. It is one of the Sacred Sites.  (See the blog entry Sacred Sites for further details)


THE MISCELLANIUM The Miscellanium is an old junk shop, located in Central Veretris on the planet Varathusia.  It was constructed by means of sorcery on one of the Sacred Sites.  The site was previously an apothecaire shop but the Chronomage Mazia Modjian-Cesario (AKA Mazia Mirenjan and Nilvolio Mirenjan) remade it as a junk shop.  It has an element of sentience and recognises people who enter it.  In addition to its supposed purpose of selling second-hand items, it also serves as a sanctuary for those in need of help. Iraevesh, the Carpathian Goddess of Justice (see Fenian Deities blog entry for further details) has a close connection to the Miscellanium and often intervenes when people seek refuge there. Mazia claims to be both the previous and future owner of the premises and will only pass the shop and the apartment above to those whom she considers worthy.

Ascended Masters

ASCENDED MASTERS Ascended Masters are beings of pure energy. Once mortal, they have been elevated by the Gods. Such an honour is usually awarded to those who have made significant contributions to their communities or to society as a whole. Instead of passing into the Beyond like most mortals, their energy is transferred and becomes part of the fabric of the multiverse itself. They have the ability to merge with the collective consciousness of all Ascended Masters and can also take mortal form when they choose. The ability to retake mortal form requires learning how to manipulate energy at its most basic level. Ascended Masters automatically have the status of Elder conferrred upon them. Their mandate is to preserve the continuity and delicate balance of the multiverse, making sure that no single faction becomes too powerful. With immense power comes immense responsibility. Ascended Masters are still subject to the dictates of the Minestrian Code and can be p


THE VYRDSPHERE The Vyrdsphere is a hollow artificial planet serving as home to the Vyrdhrii Elders and the Ascended Masters.   Living quarters, kitchens, offices, worship halls and other facilities are all contained within the sphere.   It has its own crystal propulsion system but rarely moves from its customary resting place close to Malvania