
Showing posts from February, 2018

Fenian Marriage Rituals and Ceremonies

Mondias   Couples wishing to marry have to apply to Cyad Headquarters for permission.  They will then be assigned a date and venue, usually the local State Law Bureau or courthouse.   Ceremonies are conducted by Judges or Senior State Lawyers in a standard form prescribed by Cyad Law.  The bridal couple usually wear their work uniforms or formal suits.  Family and friends do not attend the ceremony, but some couples hold private celebrations in their homes afterwards.     Yttria   Most marriages follow the standard Cyad form.  However, there are a few Carpathian Temples and Margian Shrines where couples may marry by arrangement with the High Priest or High Priestess.  Men wear formal suits in dark colours and women wear a dress or suit in white or soft pastel shades.  Wedding rings are usually exchanged by the couple.   If the ceremony takes place in a Temple or Shrine, presided over by a priest or priestess, the couple’s family and friends attend and have a celebratio

The One Million Project - Charity Anthologies

If you haven't heard of the One Milllion Project, it's an organisation set up to help independent authors to be recognised, while helping worthwhile charities.  You can find out more about it at One Million Project Soon to be released are the three anthologies - one for general fiction, another for thrillers and the third for fantasy.  I was invited to submit a short story for the fantasy anthology.  I chose to write something brand new, a tale called "Sanctuary" about a fantasy writer being targeted by a gangster due to a misunderstanding. I'm in good company.  Many of my author friends are involved in this project and I invite people to check it out.  Proceeds from sales of the books will go to Cancer Research UK and the Emmaus Homeless Charity.  Here are the Amazon links UK:  OMP Fantasy Anthology   USA:  OMP Fantasy Anthology