
Showing posts from August, 2022

Freedom House

  Located on top of Mount Gomash in the Barrenfield tundra region of Northern Malvania, the oddly named Freedom House is a psychiatric facility.   In bygone times it was a fortress and it has changed little in terms of outward appearance since then. Most of the patients who reside there have severe mental health issues which require specialist long-term care.   The staff also live there and only leave for scheduled vacations. The mountain itself presents a treacherous climb.   The only safe access to Freedom House is via an elevator cage which can be lowered or raised using the control mechanism at the entrance to the asylum.  

Minestria: Goddess of Sorcery

  Minestria rarely manifests in any visible or physical form.   Artistic renderings depict her either as a multi-coloured serpent or as a shimmering cloud in the vague shape of a woman’s head. She is credited with being one of the earliest deities to be worshipped within the Fenian Galaxy.  Her remit extends to all practitioners of sorcery, regardless of their level of expertise or the strength of their powers.  She also governs telepaths and other practitioners of the psionic arts. She laid down the code of conduct for the practice of sorcery.  Known as the Minestrian Code, it sets out specific rules and guidelines which all practitioners are required to adhere to.  Minor contraventions of the Code are usually dealt with by High Priests or Priestesses of the Minestrian Order.  More severe cases are handed over to the Goddess to determine.

Cultural Information: Suskun Languages

Suskun is the generic term for non-verbal communications.   It mainly involves hand and finger gestures, with facial expressions and body language being used for occasional emphasis.   Suskun signing techniques originated on Varathusia.   The earliest known versions were developed by the Varagans for communicating with their mute-servants. (See separate entry for mute-servants ) The Varagan variants consist of three distinct styles: Ahrgebiq is the most basic and easiest to learn.   Each gesture conveys a whole word or phrase. Ourariq is a more sophisticated form of signing.   It involves subtle finger movements and sketching complex patterns in the air.   It is far more expressive, enabling users to communicate deeper meanings, such as emotions and other abstract concepts. Ipnariq is the most difficult signing style.   It is more of a code-language than an everyday communication method.   It is used for secret and confidential

Cultural Information: Wapa

  The wapa is a Varagan musical instrument which is played by blowing down the tube and plucking the strings simultaneously. It is extremely difficult to learn and it takes at least a decade to master even the basics. The best wapa players are in their sixties or older. It is played in some religious and sorcerous rituals as well as for entertainment purposes.

Character Profile: Challis Fazackerley

Image of Challis Fazackerley made using Tengr AI image generator Name: Challis Fazackerley (AKA Chaz) Origin: Virian Character appearance:   Tall, skinny build.   Pale skin, freckles, red messy curly hair.   Usually wears fairly non-descript clothing such as tunic and trousers.   Age 17. Personality: Cheerful, loves telling jokes and anecdotes.   Can come across as being arrogant, but deep down, he is a very caring and protective person. Family: Father died several years ago.   Mother is terminally ill.   Has an older sister and two younger sisters. Strengths: Resourceful, determined, always puts on a brave cheerful face, even in adverse circumstances.   He is training to be a lawyer and he has some basic medical knowledge as well. Weaknesses: Can come across as shallow and insincere at times.   His jokes can become annoying after a while. Likes: His family, his studies, his fellow students (even the ones who dislike him), helping others less fortunate than himself, tel