Character Profile: Challis Fazackerley

Image of Challis Fazackerley made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Challis Fazackerley (AKA Chaz)

Origin: Virian

Character appearance:  Tall, skinny build.  Pale skin, freckles, red messy curly hair.  Usually wears fairly non-descript clothing such as tunic and trousers.  Age 17.

Personality: Cheerful, loves telling jokes and anecdotes.  Can come across as being arrogant, but deep down, he is a very caring and protective person.

Family: Father died several years ago.  Mother is terminally ill.  Has an older sister and two younger sisters.

Strengths: Resourceful, determined, always puts on a brave cheerful face, even in adverse circumstances.  He is training to be a lawyer and he has some basic medical knowledge as well.

Weaknesses: Can come across as shallow and insincere at times.  His jokes can become annoying after a while.

Likes: His family, his studies, his fellow students (even the ones who dislike him), helping others less fortunate than himself, telling silly jokes and stories.

Dislikes: Prejudice and intolerance, bullying, anyone who harms or threatens his family and friends.


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