
Character Profile: Lord Armando Ciresi (AKA Lord Armando Nentofore)

Name: Lord Armando Ciresi (AKA Lord Armando Nentofore) Origin: Carpathian Appearance: Short stature, slim but muscular build.   Medium brown skin and dark eyes.   Frizzy collar length hair, once brown but now turned white/grey.   Prefers wearing utilitarian clothing. Personality: Calm, cheerful, a little on the playful side.   Caring, helpful and practical. Family: The obscure but reputable Ciresi family.   He married Lady Galea Nentofore.   They have seven children and many grandchildren. Abilities: Good administrative skills, accomplished in the culinary arts.   Reasonable at martial arts. Strengths: Calmness and thoroughness.   Good at defusing arguments.   A great comforter. Weaknesses: Lacks assertiveness.   Can be too passive and indecisive at times. Likes: Family gatherings, cooking and entertaining. Dislikes: Politics, conflict, being the centre of attention.

Character Profile: Lady Galea Nentofore

Older Version of Lady Galea Nentofore in one of her beloved gardens  Older Version of Lady Galea Nentofore in her parlour Older Version of Lady Galea Nentofore working in her office Teenage Version of Lady Galea Nentofore in one of her beloved gardens Name: Lady Galea Sagacia Nentofore Origin: Carpathian Appearance: Short stature, good figure for her age, but wears baggy, scruffy clothing that hides her figure.   Medium brown skin.   Medium brown shoulder length curly hair, streaked with grey.   Little half-moon eyeglasses. Personality: Seems gruff and grumpy but warms up when one gets to know her better.   No-nonsense, practical, unconcerned about physical appearances. Family: The vast Nentofore family, rumoured to number thousands.   Married to Lord Armando Ciresi, has seven children and many grandchildren.   She has been Matriarch (head of the family) for many years, having inherited the position from her father, Lord Galateo Sagacio Nentofore.   She is the older sister of

Character Profile: Lady Livania Nentofore

Name: Lady Livania Nentofore Origin: Carpathian Appearance: Short stature, slim build, medium brown skin.   Long dark brown hair, dark brown eyes.   Generally considered a very attractive young woman.   Dresses in designer clothes, figure-flattering but always tasteful.   Knows what looks good on her without needing the advice of a stylist. Personality: Vain, arrogant, used to getting her own way.   Throws tantrums if everything isn’t to her satisfaction.   Can be sweet and charming when she thinks it’s to her advantage.   Uses people, pretends to be their friend but casts them aside when they’re no longer useful to her. Family: The huge Nentofore family, billionaires who own several businesses and vast amounts of real estate.   She herself is single and has no intentions of settling down.   She is the youngest of the Nentofore siblings. Strengths: Surprisingly physically strong.   Practises martial arts, mainly for the sake of keeping fit, but can defend herself if she nee

Character Profile: Lord Alonzo Nentofore

Name: Lord Alonzo Nentofore Origin: Carpathian Appearance: Short stature, slim build.   Medium brown skin and dark eyes.   Medium brown waist length hair and beard.   Prefers wearing tweed suits and sandals. Personality: Quietly spoken and considered.   Calm, caring and nurturing.   Patient and diplomatic. Family: The huge Nentofore family, billionaires who own several businesses and vast amounts of real estate.   He is the third son of Lord Galateo Nentofore.   He never married but later on in life he met Lady Vera Castiglioni, who became his lover. Abilities: Vast knowledge of history, politics and the arts.   Good strategist and expert teacher. Strengths: Generosity, patience and calmness.   Has a keen analytical mind. Weaknesses: Can be a ditherer.   Avoids unpleasant tasks, putting them off until later. Likes: Cooking, entertaining and teaching.   Often helps out the poor in his neighbourhood, providing food and other necessities. Dislikes: Injustice and inequa

Character Profile: Jilina

Jilina (no family name) worked as a guild prostitute before joining the Castiglioni household as a housemaid.  She is tall, elegant and graceful.  She reveals little about her past.  Instead of a family name, she would have taken the name of her guild, which is standard practice for members of any Varathusian or Carpathian trade or services guilds.  She is awkward around young children, since she has no experience of how to treat them.  Due to her training, she can be cold and aloof.  She also has hidden compassionate depths which are only revealed to those few people she trusts.  

Character Profile: Lord Onelo Castiglioni

Lord Onelo Castiglioni is the youngest child of Lord Adriano and Lady Vera Castiglioni.  He lacks the spiteful and cruel personality of his older siblings.  He has a much quieter and gentler nature.  He rarely associates with them. He prefers to spend most of his time playing computer games and watching movies.  He is a closet homosexual and does not often indulge in pleasures of the flesh.

Character Profile: Lord Furio Castiglioni

    Lord Furio Castiglioni is the third child of Lord Adriano and Lady Vera Castiglioni.  Like his siblings, he has lived a life of privilege and over-indulgence.  He was always spiteful and self-centred.  He paid more attention to his studies than his siblings.  As an adolescent, he began indulging in hedonistic pleasures, such as gambling, going to nightclubs and visiting prostitutes.  He continues those pleasures as an adult.