Character Profile: Lady Livania Nentofore

Name: Lady Livania Nentofore

Origin: Carpathian

Appearance: Short stature, slim build, medium brown skin.  Long dark brown hair, dark brown eyes.  Generally considered a very attractive young woman.  Dresses in designer clothes, figure-flattering but always tasteful.  Knows what looks good on her without needing the advice of a stylist.

Personality: Vain, arrogant, used to getting her own way.  Throws tantrums if everything isn’t to her satisfaction.  Can be sweet and charming when she thinks it’s to her advantage.  Uses people, pretends to be their friend but casts them aside when they’re no longer useful to her.

Family: The huge Nentofore family, billionaires who own several businesses and vast amounts of real estate.  She herself is single and has no intentions of settling down.  She is the youngest of the Nentofore siblings.

Strengths: Surprisingly physically strong.  Practises martial arts, mainly for the sake of keeping fit, but can defend herself if she needs to.  Beautiful singing voice with perfect pitch, trained as an opera singer.

Weaknesses: Not as confident as she pretends to be, obsessed with her appearance and making the right impression on people.

Likes: Being the centre of attention, having people scurrying around attending to her every need.

Dislikes: Being ignored, being turned down for important roles, when things don’t go according to plan, having to do menial tasks.



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