Character Profile: Lord Alonzo Nentofore

Name: Lord Alonzo Nentofore

Origin: Carpathian

Appearance: Short stature, slim build.  Medium brown skin and dark eyes.  Medium brown waist length hair and beard.  Prefers wearing tweed suits and sandals.

Personality: Quietly spoken and considered.  Calm, caring and nurturing.  Patient and diplomatic.

Family: The huge Nentofore family, billionaires who own several businesses and vast amounts of real estate.  He is the third son of Lord Galateo Nentofore.  He never married but later on in life he met Lady Vera Castiglioni, who became his lover.

Abilities: Vast knowledge of history, politics and the arts.  Good strategist and expert teacher.

Strengths: Generosity, patience and calmness.  Has a keen analytical mind.

Weaknesses: Can be a ditherer.  Avoids unpleasant tasks, putting them off until later.

Likes: Cooking, entertaining and teaching.  Often helps out the poor in his neighbourhood, providing food and other necessities.

Dislikes: Injustice and inequality.




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