Character Profile: Lord Armando Ciresi (AKA Lord Armando Nentofore)

Name: Lord Armando Ciresi (AKA Lord Armando Nentofore)

Origin: Carpathian

Appearance: Short stature, slim but muscular build.  Medium brown skin and dark eyes.  Frizzy collar length hair, once brown but now turned white/grey.  Prefers wearing utilitarian clothing.

Personality: Calm, cheerful, a little on the playful side.  Caring, helpful and practical.

Family: The obscure but reputable Ciresi family.  He married Lady Galea Nentofore.  They have seven children and many grandchildren.

Abilities: Good administrative skills, accomplished in the culinary arts.  Reasonable at martial arts.

Strengths: Calmness and thoroughness.  Good at defusing arguments.  A great comforter.

Weaknesses: Lacks assertiveness.  Can be too passive and indecisive at times.

Likes: Family gatherings, cooking and entertaining.

Dislikes: Politics, conflict, being the centre of attention.


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