Character Profile: Lady Galea Nentofore

Older Version of Lady Galea Nentofore in one of her beloved gardens

 Older Version of Lady Galea Nentofore in her parlour

Older Version of Lady Galea Nentofore working in her office

Teenage Version of Lady Galea Nentofore in one of her beloved gardens

Name: Lady Galea Sagacia Nentofore

Origin: Carpathian

Appearance: Short stature, good figure for her age, but wears baggy, scruffy clothing that hides her figure.  Medium brown skin.  Medium brown shoulder length curly hair, streaked with grey.  Little half-moon eyeglasses.

Personality: Seems gruff and grumpy but warms up when one gets to know her better.  No-nonsense, practical, unconcerned about physical appearances.

Family: The vast Nentofore family, rumoured to number thousands.  Married to Lord Armando Ciresi, has seven children and many grandchildren.  She has been Matriarch (head of the family) for many years, having inherited the position from her father, Lord Galateo Sagacio Nentofore.  She is the older sister of Lords Luigi and Alonzo Nentofore and aunt (by adoption) to Lord Andreas Cesario.

Abilities: Sharp analytical mind, keen observational skills.  Often picks up on details that most people would miss.  Skilled at wrestling and martial arts.  Never backs down from a fight.  Much stronger than she looks.

Strengths: Resourceful, determined, practical.

Weaknesses: Hot temper, interferes in other people's lives, gives advice even when it's not welcomed.  Never holds back from speaking her mind, even if it can be hurtful.

Likes: Her family, Carpathian politics, gardening, martial arts, flying, chasing her husband around the orchard, teaching her grandchildren how to become good Carpathians.

Dislikes: Bullying, social injustice, pretentiousness, anyone who threatens her extended family.


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