Minestria: Goddess of Sorcery


Minestria rarely manifests in any visible or physical form.  Artistic renderings depict her either as a multi-coloured serpent or as a shimmering cloud in the vague shape of a woman’s head.

She is credited with being one of the earliest deities to be worshipped within the Fenian Galaxy.  Her remit extends to all practitioners of sorcery, regardless of their level of expertise or the strength of their powers.  She also governs telepaths and other practitioners of the psionic arts.

She laid down the code of conduct for the practice of sorcery.  Known as the Minestrian Code, it sets out specific rules and guidelines which all practitioners are required to adhere to.  Minor contraventions of the Code are usually dealt with by High Priests or Priestesses of the Minestrian Order.  More severe cases are handed over to the Goddess to determine.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan