

As the name suggests, a swampwood is an area of marshy forest. They are found all over the wilderness areas of Malvania. Their ecosystem differs from other forested areas. The twisted trees are known as bezaraks and the sentient vines which cling to them are called serpent vines.

The swampwoods are home to the Geheimsvaak (translation:Secret People) and they have an element of sentience. Only Geheimsvaak and a few trusted outsiders can enter a swampwood in safety. The natural defence systems keep unwelcome intruders out. Poisonous thorn bushes can deliver nasty scratches which fester and eventually cause a slow agonising death. Vines can strangle people in a matter of seconds and the bogs can suck people under with alarming speed and ferocity.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan