

Dermanshiel is the name of a vast subterranean complex located in the permanently frozen northern region of Malvania.  The original system of caverns and tunnels has been added to over the millennia as the population increased.  It was originally occupied by a group of rebel sorcerers, breaking away from the restrictive practices of their home enclaves.

Over the centuries, the population dwindled.  With the founding of newer enclaves in less hostile locations, a gradual exodus occurred.  Only a few determined archivists kept the place open until it was rediscovered by Lady Anwyn Menehari.  Following her discovery, Lord Claudio Scalani and his twin brother, the healer Emlyn Hawkins, began their explorations of the place, aided by a few enthusiastic students.

It contains many books, scrolls and other historical artefacts.  It has become a place of research and contemplation.  Teachers take their students there to learn about the past.  Much of the place remains untouched since the original occupants left.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I should also mention that Ian named this forgotten archive. He has given me names for several places and characters in my novels.

  2. This is really cool! It makes me want to explore real-life places like this. I'll have to settle for books for now.


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