Emporium Babaloney

Exterior of Emporium Babaloney made using Tengr AI image generator

Interior of Emporium Babaloney made using Tengr AI image generator


Located in Vanlose Old Town, Northern Viria, the Emporium Babaloney belongs to the sorcerer Odo Babaloney.  It serves as an apothecaire shop, selling herbal remedies and potions to cure various illnesses.  Odo also carries out sorcery healings and helps those in need.

The Emporium has an element of sentience and only reveals itself to those seeking remedies for illnesses and injuries, or other troubled individuals who need protection and/or spiritual guidance.

It is one of the Sacred Sites.  (See the blog entry Sacred Sites for further details)


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan