Horeb Desert


The Horeb is the largest desert region on Sartoria.  Like all Sartorian deserts, its sand is sentient.  The Horeb is divided into several territories, each belonging to a specific tribe.  The sand knows the extent of each territory and can tell the intentions of strangers seeking to cross over from one tribal territory to another.  Thus it will only allow those who mean no harm to walk upon its surface.

The sand forms a close bond with those who live in the desert and those who visit on a regular basis.  It shows its affection by clinging to the skin, hair and clothing of those it loves.  Conversely, it can whip up into a cruel sandstorm and cause immense injury, sometimes even death, to those who come to the desert with harmful intentions.  It can repel invaders before they even arrive there.

Water is scarce as one would expect but the underground reserves make themselves available to the tribes, yielding just enough water to sustain life, but none to spare.  Desert dwellers and seasoned travellers know how to find water when they need it.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan