

The Miscellanium is an old junk shop, located in Central Veretris on the planet Varathusia.  It was constructed by means of sorcery on one of the Sacred Sites.  The site was previously an apothecaire shop but the Chronomage Mazia Modjian-Cesario (AKA Mazia Mirenjan and Nilvolio Mirenjan) remade it as a junk shop.  It has an element of sentience and recognises people who enter it.  In addition to its supposed purpose of selling second-hand items, it also serves as a sanctuary for those in need of help.

Iraevesh, the Carpathian Goddess of Justice (see Fenian Deities blog entry for further details) has a close connection to the Miscellanium and often intervenes when people seek refuge there.

Mazia claims to be both the previous and future owner of the premises and will only pass the shop and the apartment above to those whom she considers worthy.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan