Vernon's Volcano


Located in one of the wilderness regions of Viria, Vernon's Volcano is a mystical place of pilgrimage for those seeking audience with Gloria Elviria, the deity known as Mother of Viria.  The volcano is also connected with another deity, Ledni (AKA Ledina), Goddess of Fire.  Ledni inhabits the molten lava pools beneath the volcano.  She can also be peititioned, but rarely grants audiences.

There are several routes for climbing up the volcano.  Each route leads to a different part of the summit.  The summit exists in multiple dimensions or parallel universes.  The choice of route dictates which version of the summit a petitioner will reach.  The most famous route is the Vanlose Stairway, so called because the blocky rock formations resemble a giant stairway cut into the side of the mountain.  This route is for those seeking audience with Gloria Elviria.  Another route leads to the dimension for contacting the elusive and reclusive Ledni.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan