Ascended Masters


Ascended Masters are beings of pure energy. Once mortal, they have been elevated by the Gods. Such an honour is usually awarded to those who have made significant contributions to their communities or to society as a whole. Instead of passing into the Beyond like most mortals, their energy is transferred and becomes part of the fabric of the multiverse itself. They have the ability to merge with the collective consciousness of all Ascended Masters and can also take mortal form when they choose. The ability to retake mortal form requires learning how to manipulate energy at its most basic level.

Ascended Masters automatically have the status of Elder conferrred upon them. Their mandate is to preserve the continuity and delicate balance of the multiverse, making sure that no single faction becomes too powerful. With immense power comes immense responsibility. Ascended Masters are still subject to the dictates of the Minestrian Code and can be punished for unethical or unseemly behaviour.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan