
Showing posts from April, 2024

Character Profile: Lord Onelo Castiglioni

Lord Onelo Castiglioni is the youngest child of Lord Adriano and Lady Vera Castiglioni.  He lacks the spiteful and cruel personality of his older siblings.  He has a much quieter and gentler nature.  He rarely associates with them. He prefers to spend most of his time playing computer games and watching movies.  He is a closet homosexual and does not often indulge in pleasures of the flesh.

Character Profile: Lord Furio Castiglioni

    Lord Furio Castiglioni is the third child of Lord Adriano and Lady Vera Castiglioni.  Like his siblings, he has lived a life of privilege and over-indulgence.  He was always spiteful and self-centred.  He paid more attention to his studies than his siblings.  As an adolescent, he began indulging in hedonistic pleasures, such as gambling, going to nightclubs and visiting prostitutes.  He continues those pleasures as an adult.

Character Profile: Lady Riga Castiglioni

Lady Riga Castiglioni is the second child and only daughter of Lord Adriano and Lady Vera Castiglioni.  Spoiled from birth like her other siblings, she grew from a spiteful and demanding child into an imperious and dangerous adult.  Like her mother, she favours pink.  Most of the time she dyes her hair pink and wears pink clothing.  

Character Profile: Lord Enrico Castiglioni

Lord Enrico Castiglioni is the eldest child of Lord Adriano and Lady Vera Castiglioni.  During his infancy and childhood, he was over-indulged and never disciplined.  He neglected his studies, relying upon his younger siblings to provide answers when he needed them.  As a result, he grew into a violent and demanding adolescent and an arrogant controlling adult.  Throughout his entire life, he resorts to bullying and violence to get his own way.  

Character Profile: Neeral Dyzin

Image of Neeral made using Tengr AI image generator Neeral was a young sorceress born with the gift of fire. She had to learn how to to control it. At ten years old, she achieved mastery of fire. She loved using her fire sorcery to entertain people at the Modjian fairground. Later on, she had to use it for rather more serious purposes on missions.

Nozkha Agency

The Nozkha Agency began on Mondias as an anti-Cyad movement.   The word Nozkha originates from pre-Cyad Mondian language.   It can mean night or nothing depending on context.   Both definitions suit the purposes of the rebels. Their leader is known as the Zlerok; another original Old Mondian term meaning shadow .   All Zleroks are Vyrdigaan Order sorcerers or sorceresses working undercover and implanted with dispersing crystals to hide their sorcerous crystalline energy signatures.   They wear black hooded robes and use personal alchemy to change their appearance when necessary.   They also use misdirection spells and banishing spells to make people forget seeing them.   When a Zlerok passes into the Beyond or wishes to retire from active duty, the Vyrdhrii Elders choose another and instruct them on how to carry out their covert role. Nozkha Agents work quietly behind the scenes to undermine the Cyad Confederacy with small acts of defiance and sabotage.   They pose as ordin

Parallel Mondians

The Parallel Mondian movement began during the early stages of the Cyad Confederacy’s formation.   The original members were academics, historians, writers, artists, musicians, actors and craftspeople who wished to preserve the pre-Cyad way of life, including their culture, language, arts and entertainments. They set up their bases in disused warehouses, libraries and other buildings in remote regions which were of little interest to the Cyad regime.   They collected pre-Cyad books, works of art and entertainment media.   They made copies which they circulated to all their secret bases.   They also used Nozkha smuggling networks to relocate some of the more valuable items to Yttria and Malvania, where they would be kept safe in academic and scientific enclaves. They never set out to overthrow the Cyad.   Their main aim was to try to coexist in peace, hence the name they chose for themselves.   They do not consider themselves anti-Cyad.   They will only use weapons and other v

Cultural Information: Margians

  Little is known about the culture on the four worlds of the Margian system — Margis Alpha, Margis Beta, Margis Gamma and Margis Delta.  Margians tend to be impractical dreamers who yearn for the glories of bygone eras and try to model themselves on legendary folk heroes.  The Margians operate a strict and well-trained military organisation.  Warrior crews live a semi-nomadic existence.  They build camps in wilderness regions where they put their soldiers through a rigorous training regime.  Their whole lives revolve around fitness training, battle training and warfare practice.