Parallel Mondians

The Parallel Mondian movement began during the early stages of the Cyad Confederacy’s formation.  The original members were academics, historians, writers, artists, musicians, actors and craftspeople who wished to preserve the pre-Cyad way of life, including their culture, language, arts and entertainments.

They set up their bases in disused warehouses, libraries and other buildings in remote regions which were of little interest to the Cyad regime.  They collected pre-Cyad books, works of art and entertainment media.  They made copies which they circulated to all their secret bases.  They also used Nozkha smuggling networks to relocate some of the more valuable items to Yttria and Malvania, where they would be kept safe in academic and scientific enclaves.

They never set out to overthrow the Cyad.  Their main aim was to try to coexist in peace, hence the name they chose for themselves.  They do not consider themselves anti-Cyad.  They will only use weapons and other violent methods to defend themselves.

Over the centuries, they came to realise that peaceful coexistence with the Cyad Confederacy was unlikely to happen.  In more recent eras, they abandoned that approach.  They now concentrate their efforts solely on preserving their culture.  Like the Nozkha, they prefer subtle ways of defying Cyad authority.



Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan