Nozkha Agency

The Nozkha Agency began on Mondias as an anti-Cyad movement.  The word Nozkha originates from pre-Cyad Mondian language.  It can mean night or nothing depending on context.  Both definitions suit the purposes of the rebels.

Their leader is known as the Zlerok; another original Old Mondian term meaning shadow.  All Zleroks are Vyrdigaan Order sorcerers or sorceresses working undercover and implanted with dispersing crystals to hide their sorcerous crystalline energy signatures.  They wear black hooded robes and use personal alchemy to change their appearance when necessary.  They also use misdirection spells and banishing spells to make people forget seeing them.  When a Zlerok passes into the Beyond or wishes to retire from active duty, the Vyrdhrii Elders choose another and instruct them on how to carry out their covert role.

Nozkha Agents work quietly behind the scenes to undermine the Cyad Confederacy with small acts of defiance and sabotage.  They pose as ordinary Cyad citizens and are trained to blend in.  They learn to recognise those who have grudges against the Cyad and take subtle steps to determine whether or not the malcontents would be suitable for recruitment.

The Nozkha specialise in unauthorised communication devices and networks.  They also deal in forbidden books and entertainment media.

Their sigil consists of a shiny black stylised cloud on a grey background.  They make extensive use of codes, symbols and ciphers based on Old Mondian dialects and obscure computer programming languages.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan