Character Profile: Lord Claudio Scalani

Image of Claudio Scalani made using NightCafe AI image generator Image of Claudio Scalani made using NightCafe AI image generator Image of Claudio Scalani made using NightCafe AI image generator Image of Claudio Scalani made using Tengr AI image generator Name: Lord Tiberio Claudio Scalani (Prefers to be called Claude or Uncle Claude) Origin: Atlantean (born to Carpathian surrogate mother and brought up as Carpathian) Appearance: Short, stocky build. White fluffy hair cut to collar length. Round pleasant face. Prefers wearing loose robes and cloaks. Often dresses like a priest. Personality: Old-fashioned good manners hide a deadly wit and a cunning intellect. Odd mixture of benevolence and ruthlessness. Looks harmless but is in fact a very powerful and dangerous man. Family: Complicated. Has lived many lifetimes so has many different families. Ascended Master who can take mortal form when he chooses. He and his twi...