Character Profile: Emori Ohrivaal


 Image of Emori Ohrivaal made using Tengr AI image generator.

Image of Emori Ohrivaal made using Azalea's Doll Maker App.  You can find their website at

Name: Emori Ohrivaal

Origin: Sartorian

Appearance: Extremely thin, petite child-like build.  Black skin and dark eyes.  Wiry black hair worn in snakelocks.  Goes around naked in her desert home.  Wears black sorcerer’s robes outside the desert.

Personality: Extremely strong-willed and assertive.  Insists on having her own way in all aspects of life and becomes angry and frustrated if things don’t go according to her plans.  Becomes more abrasive and cantankerous as she grows older.  Develops a jealous streak later on in life.

Family: Mother Marjeen Ohrivaal, Father Ryo Ohrivaal.  Various siblings who she mostly ignores.  Grandmother Veveen Ohrivaal.  Married Elias Shanahan and they have one son, Joe.

Abilities: Good survival skills and sorcery skills.  Adept at martial arts.  Learns to become a tattoo artist.

Strengths: Good concentration.  Extremely determined and goal-orientated.

Weaknesses: Hot temper, tendency to blame others if her plans don’t work out.  Expects too much from other people, especially from her husband.  Jealous of women who manage to bear more than one child, due to her failed attempts to have a second child.

Likes: Family life in the desert, cooking, dancing and being around children.

Dislikes: People who don’t comply with her demands, situations which she can’t control.  Views other women as competition, especially when it comes to bearing children.



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