Character Profile: Veveen Ohrivaal

Image of Veveen Ohrivaal made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of Veveen Ohrivaal made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Veveen Ohrivaal

Origin: Sartorian

Appearance: Tall and very slim, black skin, waist-length black hair styled in snakelocks, streaked with grey.  Harsh facial features.  Rarely wears any clothing unless she has to leave the desert and even then she will complain about having to do so.

Personality: Fierce, can be very harsh at times, even with loved ones.  Prefers actions over words, although she won’t hold back from speaking her mind.  Will communicate by gestures and dances as well as speaking.  Brutally honest, has no time for politics and game-playing.  Stays out of the Carpathian business but will occasionally give her opinion to Lyle, whether asked for or not.  Has a large appetite but never puts on any weight.

Family: Widowed, but remarried to Lord Lyandro Menehari.  Has grown-up children from her previous marriage, plus one daughter, Anwyn, with Lyle.

Strengths: Physically strong, resourceful, independent, expert in several martial arts techniques even the very rare and hard to master N’gari and Venn’shah disciplines.  Excellent cook and competent herbalist.

Weaknesses: Can be extremely intimidating and unapproachable to those who don’t know her.  Her brutal honesty and violent nature can be hard to deal with.

Likes: Family, the desert, cooking, eating, recreational drugs, martial arts, conducting fertility rituals.

Dislikes: Having to leave the desert, wearing clothes, fussy or vain people, cities, politics, anyone who threatens her extended family.




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