Character Profile: Yrmuuska Kyraalyt

Image of Yrmuuska Kyraalyt made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Yrmuuska Kyraalyt (Ghryxaarti designation: Pyndaari 424)

Origin: Malvanian and Varagan

Appearance: Tall and broad, with a full voluptuous figure.  Beige skin and dark eyes.  Long dark wavy hair.  She usually wears the trademark light grey robes of the Ghryxaarti, unless she is disguised for an undercover mission.

Personality: Exuberant and playful. Easy-going and approachable.  Generous in words and deeds.  Believes in living life to the fullest.

Family: Unknown.

Abilities: Master-level sorcery, specialising in Chronomancy, personal alchemy (shapeshifting) and espionage skills.  Also has a keen interest in mathematics, which she teaches.

Strengths: Physically strong with immense stamina.  Excellent at swimming and diving.  Skilled in the arts of espionage.

Weaknesses: Tendency to over-indulge in food, sex and recreational drugs.

Likes: Entertaining her many lovers, teaching students, conducting undercover missions, playing pranks, eating vast amounts of spicy food and taking recreational drugs.

Dislikes: Bland foods, miserly people and restrictive lifestyles.


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