Carpathian Meherq

Exterior of Carpathian Meherq building

Image of Carpathian Meherq floor viewed from above


The Meherq is more than a mere building.  It represents the essence of the Carpathian Way and serves as a meeting place for the Ten Leading Families to debate issues and decide on points of law.  It is used as both a courtroom and a parliamentary assembly.

The main meeting hall is built in a circle.  The word Meherq is derived from an ancient term meaning ring or circle.  The floor of the hall is split into ten sectors, one for each of the Leading Families.

There are prescribed protocols for the various debates and hearings which take place in the Meherq.  These include criminal trials, policy decisions and votes on which families get promoted and which families get demoted.

All meetings are recorded for posterity and entered in the Meherq's archives as well as the relevant archives for the families whose business is discussed there.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan