

Image of Chronomage cloak made by me in Photoshop.

Images of Chronomages made using Picfinder AI.

Chronomages have the ability to manipulate time by connecting with the controlling equations.  They can travel back and forth in time but it is not a natural ability.  It takes decades to learn even the most basic techniques.  Chronomages can make themselves appear any age they choose, whether older or younger than their natural age.  Those most skilled at time manipulation can live for millennia.

The first Chronomage was created by accident.  An unstable variant of Vyagite crystal was used by mistake in an artificial bonding procedure.  It caused the recipient to become caught up in time-currents and drift aimlessly.  The Vyrdigaan mages responsible for the erroneous implantation tried many times to rescue their unfortunate victim.  Only by implanting themselves with the same unstable crystal could they learn how to access the time matrix and reset the equations to bring their victim home.  Being able to manipulate time proved to be a significant advantage.  More experiments were conducted and they honed their skills.  Due to the dangerous nature of their arts, they only imparted their knowledge to a few trustworthy sorcerers.  Thus the Sacred Circle of Chronomages was founded.



Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan