Character Profile: Aravind Halloran

Image of younger Aravind Halloran made using NightCafe AI image generator.

Older version of Aravind Halloran made using NightCafe AI image generator

Older version of Aravind Halloran made using a combination of NightCafe and Tengr AI image generators

Name: Aravind Halloran (prefers to be called Ari or Uncle Ari)

Origin: Virian

Appearance: Tall, muscular build, pale skin, intense reddish-brown eyes, long red hair tied back in a tail for formal occasions and left loose when at leisure.  Wears traditional black sorcerer’s robes or tailored suits while working and casual attire consisting of flannel shirts, jeans and sneakers for leisure.

Personality: Friendly, cheerful and helpful.

Family: Mother, Justeen Halloran, is a priestess of Scherza, Goddess of Wisdom.  Father Josiah Halloran, died when Ari was only a child.  Ari has a twin brother, Nyraldin, who is a teacher of personal alchemy.  Ari is married to Lady Julia Delvichi and they have a daughter, Caaryta, and a son, Marco.

Strengths: Friendliness, loving and caring nature.  Easy to talk to and very approachable.  Skilled at martial arts and sorcery.  Specialises in fire sorcery.  Works as a Carpathian Spy Master.

Weaknesses: Lacks self-confidence.  As a teenager, he struggled to choose a career path.  Can be impatient and impulsive.

Likes: His family, living in the desert, going on espionage missions and helping to train other fire mages.

Dislikes: Prejudice, intolerance, arguments and conflicts.



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