Character Profile: Selonicus Linderies

Image of Selonicus Linderies made using Tengr AI image generator Name: Selonicus Linderies Origin: Half-Malvanian, half-Virian (Has lived several lifetimes but never reveals details) Appearance: Tall slender build, pale skin, long greyish-black hair, short stubbly beard. Dresses in colourful mismatched clothing. Looks to be in his late fifties or early sixties. Personality: Quietly spoken, stoical demeanour, rarely displaying any noticeable emotions. Can seem aloof and detached at times. Very secretive. Has a wickedly sarcastic sense of humour. Family: Both parents were mixed race, half-Virian, half-Malvanian. He was raised in the infamous Elzhin enclave on Malvania. First husband of Lady Anwyn Menehari and father of Lord Lorenzo Menehari. Strengths: Expert healer, Vyrdigaan Master, extensive knowledge of alchemy, crystal theory and telepathy. Keeps calm in a crisis. Weaknesses: Doesn’t work well with others. H...