Character Profile: Yozev Kurak


Image of Yozev Kurak made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Yozev Kurak (AKA Doctor Yozev Kandlin, none of them are his real names)

Origin: Malvanian (genetically altered to appear Yttrian)

Appearance: Fairly tall, skinny, looks malnourished and cadaverous.  Deathly pallor with purple veins pulsing on his forehead.  Dark hair, slicked back with oil.  Wears dark suits underneath black robes.

Personality: Difficult to get to know, gives nothing away.  Harsh, cruel and controlling.

Family: From one of the Malvanian sorcerers’ enclaves.  Cut all ties many years ago and insists that he has no living relatives.

Strengths: Intelligent, has some medical knowledge, well-versed in law (he also works as a lawyer for the Cyad State Legal Bureau), analytical scientific mind.

Weaknesses: Plagued by several illnesses which he tries hard to hide, not as intelligent as he likes to think, obsessed with his research.

Likes: Genetic research, finding new subjects for his experiments, tricking vulnerable people into volunteering for his experiments.

Dislikes: Healthy people, anyone who enjoys life, anyone who disrupts his schemes.


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