Glorian Order

This ancient order is dedicated to the worship of Gloria Elviria, Mother of Viria, sometimes known as Alcestis. It has much in common with the Order of Scherza, including a large amount of outreach work, helping the poor and disadvantaged. Glorians wear the standard black robes most of the time. There is no set rule for how to style their hair, although some temples are stricter than others. Most Glorians disdain any form of adornment, including the use of cosmetics, jewellery and other decorative accessories. They practise an outwardly abstemious lifestyle, although some adherents indulge in intoxicants and pleasures of the flesh in private during their leisure time. They are permitted to marry a person of their own choosing or remain unwed if they prefer. Acolytes and adherents are not required to possess sorcery powers. It is widely believed that Gloria Elviria temporarily lends her powers to her priests and priestesses on occa...