Order of Scherza

Although this Order is dedicated to worshipping the Goddess of Wisdom, it is also known for training its acolytes in some of the more practical disciplines alongside the usual sacred rituals.  Adherents are encouraged to, help the poor and the disenfranchised to regain hope and improve their lives.

Trainees are required to keep their heads shaved throughout their training period.  This is to prove their humility and devotion to the Goddess, as well as a symbol that they are leaving behind any materialistic desires and working to improve the lives of others.  When they are ordained as fully-fledged priests or priestesses, they have the option to grow their hair if they wish.  They wear the standard black silk robes while carrying out their sacred duties, but some of them choose to wear ordinary clothes during their leisure time.
Besides studying academic subjects, the young acolytes also learn cookery, housekeeping, farming, martial arts, dance and drama.  Those who wish to learn other skills, such as riding, navigation, archery and similar outdoor activities are encouraged to do so.  Although many priests and priestesses choose to remain in the Temple once they have finished their training, a sizeable number of them go on to work in the community.  Some of them travel around helping wherever they are required, while others are assigned to a particular village, town or city.

Adherents of this Order are far from the sequestered naïve creatures which many people believe them to be.  Their training encompasses all aspects of life, especially helping those in need.  Temples and churches maintain hostels for the homeless and members of the priesthood are often engaged in outreach work in poor districts.  Some of them even train to be prison visitors, although this is a far less popular specialisation.

Scherza rarely manifests in any visible or physical form.  She is depicted in iconic paintings as a harsh but beautiful woman of crystalline aspect with glowing ultraviolet eyes.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan