Sorcery Specialisms

Most sorcerers in the Fenian Galaxy derive their powers from crystal bonds, whether they be natural or artificial. A natural crystal bond develops during the conception and gestation process, whereby minute fragments of crystal become fused with the genetic material of the foetus. Natural crystal bonding is not necessarily hereditary. It is possible for a crystal-bonded child to be conceived by parents who have no crystal bonds. Conversely, even if both parents have crystal bonds, it does not guarantee that their offspring will inherit them. Some sorcerers have stronger bonds than others. The stronger the bond, the greater the powers of sorcery. Artificial crystal implantation is considered blasphemous by most Virians and Varagans. It is usually performed on infants and young children, although it can be done on adolescents. The older the person is at the time of implantation, the greater the risk that the implants will ...