Fenian Currencies

TALKING MONEY! Because even fictional characters can't get by without the clinking and folding stuff! Here are the main currencies used in my universe.

FEN and SHEN – The currency of Viria, fen being the larger units and shen being the smaller ones.

LIVATI – Widely used throughout mainland Varathusia by Carpathians, Varahs and Par-Varahs alike.

RYNDI (plural RYNDII) — Varagan currency, widely used throughout the Varago Islands.  Varagans will also use livati on the Varathusian mainland.

SHEKELS – Sartorian currency. Tribal Sartorians prefer to barter goods and services rather than using money. Shekels are only used in the settled areas of the planet.


CREDITS – Virtual currency used widely on Mondias, Yttria, Varathusia and Malvania by means of an electronic chip. There are such things as credit coins and banknotes but these are only used in smaller or more primitive communities.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan