The Chronicler's Duty

Allow me to introduce myself. I bear the title of the Virian Chronicler and I am charged with the duty of recording certain events in history for posterity. In the discharge of my duty, I have been trained to record events in as unbiased a manner as is possible. It is well known throughout many civilisations that history is written by those who wield the greatest power and authority; however the role of the Chroniclers is merely to record, not to hold any authority over any person or land. Chroniclers usually live a life in the shadows, working in dusty archives which are rarely seen by members of the public. The art of the Chroniclers is handed down through generations and each Master Chronicler takes on apprentices who will be trained in order to perpetuate and preserve the gentle and painstaking art of the Chroniclers. From a very early age, all I ever wanted to be was a Chronicler. As soon as I was old enough, I applied t...