The Chronicler's Duty

Allow me to introduce myself.  I bear the title of the Virian Chronicler and I am charged with the duty of recording certain events in history for posterity.  In the discharge of my duty, I have been trained to record events in as unbiased a manner as is possible.  It is well known throughout many civilisations that history is written by those who wield the greatest power and authority; however the role of the Chroniclers is merely to record, not to hold any authority over any person or land.  Chroniclers usually live a life in the shadows, working in dusty archives which are rarely seen by members of the public.  The art of the Chroniclers is handed down through generations and each Master Chronicler takes on apprentices who will be trained in order to perpetuate and preserve the gentle and painstaking art of the Chroniclers.
From a very early age, all I ever wanted to be was a Chronicler.  As soon as I was old enough, I applied to the Virian Guild of Chroniclers to take the entrance examination.  Thereafter, I was fortunate enough to be apprenticed to a wonderful Master Chronicler who taught me his arts with great care and love.  Now it is my turn to sit here at my desk and record what I consider to be significant events in the history of the universe.  Please don’t expect epic battles with muscle-bound heroes, because to be quite honest, there are many records of such events and I find them all too similar.  What I am trying to do in my work here is pick out seemingly ordinary people who have lived through remarkable times and whose lives have shaped history in ways which deserve to be remembered.  While there are some conflicts involved, most of my histories are concerned with individuals, their backgrounds, opinions, motivations, loves and losses.  We are all part of history and we all have our place in shaping events and building the future.  How we remember the past determines how we learn from it and how we continue into the unknown.

For those unfamiliar with Virian language and culture, I have included some of my notes to acquaint readers with the basics.  I have also included a glossary of terms and a description of the main planets where these histories take place.  I hope readers find these helpful.

Although I work mostly in isolation, there are many people who have supported and continue to support me.  These include: my wonderful husband, Ian Vincent Wallace, who gives me the space I need to pursue my writing; my parents, other family members and various friends, who have supported me even when they have not understood what drives me as a person; and lastly, others whom I have never met but who have had a lasting influence on me with their writing and music.

Thanks be to the Gods and Mortals who have accompanied me on this journey.

XANXA SYMANAH (The Virian Chronicler)


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan