Character Profile: Avareen Fermanagh

Avareen Fermanagh comes from a Virian farming community. She has eight siblings. She is mostly cheerful but can be prone to melancholic moods at times. She worked on her family's farm until her crystal bond was discovered by a visiting priest. She then went to study at the Temple of Scherza in Shintillah, Southern Viria. She found Temple life difficult. Through her attendance at Lord Lyandro (Lyle) Menehari's drama classes, she met his youngest grandson, Lord Sylvio (Syl) Menehari-Cesario. They became friends and Syl ended up recruiting her into the Carpathian Alliance. She studied at the Donovan Institute and trained as an operative. She initially resisted her arranged marriage to her elderly tutor Caratacuus Helvellyan but soon realised it was a better option than marrying a farmer chosen by her parents.



Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen