
Showing posts from September, 2024

Character Profile: Gaade Draebyr

Master Larcener Gaade Draebyr is a Malvanian career criminal who specialises in petty and grand thefts. He takes great care to hide his sorcery skills and is generally extremely guarded and secretive about his origins. In reality, he is far different than his carefully cultivated persona would suggest.  

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Szandyr Pyrssen is Malvanian, but has Carpathian heritage from a previous generation of his family. He works as a fencing instructor and espionage tutor for the mysterious Ghryxaarti secret society. He is cheerful and friendly as well as being sly and devious. He looks quite fragile but has great strength and agility.  

Character Profile: Valeska Ostbyrg

  Malvanian Valeska Ostbyrg is the daughter of Venkyt Ostbyrg. She lives with her mother and rarely sees her father. Despite her nervous disposition, she has a rebellious nature. She longs to become a sorceress but her mother disapproves and refuses to teach her even the basics. She runs away from home and gets recruited by the mysterious Ghryxaarti secret society. There she meets Caratacuus Helvellyan and the two become good friends.  

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Malvanian healer-sorceress Mhaalys Ghraan is the not-so-secret lover of Agnylda Helvellyan. At times, she has to be rather forceful with Agnylda and their relationship can be quite antagonistic. She has good parenting skills and takes on the role of stepmother to Caratacuus Helvellyan during most of his childhood. She is mainly cheerful but can be feisty if provoked.

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan

Malvanian Agrimage Cornelyuus Helvellyan is the husband of Agnylda Helvellyan and father to Caratacuus Helvellyan. He is an absentee father, spending most of his time at his job, using his Agrimage skills to control weather and make crops grow. He avoids troublesome family issues and prefers to immerse himself in his work.  

Character Profile: Agnylda Helvellyan

Malvanian Agnylda Helvellyan is the daughter of Ryaah Bystrom, wife of Cornelyuus Helvellyan and mother to Caratacuus Helvellyan. She witnessed a horrific event during her childhood which left her traumatised and rendered her unable to cope with real life. She sought refuge in taking recreational substances, including powerful hallucinogens. Most of the time she is detached from reality. She does not get on with her mother or her husband and she has no idea about parenting.  

Character Profile: Hynrytha Waat

Hynrytha Waat is a Malvanian sorceress who teaches mathematics and sacred geometry at the prestigious Donovan Institute. Despite her youthful appearance, she adheres to old traditions and is a strict disciplinarian. She has a love of experimenting with blending and brewing teas, which she gives to her students during lessons. She believes in outdated isolationist principles and has an intense dislike for non-Malvanians, especially Carpathians.

Character Profile: Lord Celeste Entrevi

Lord Celeste Entrevi comes from one of the oldest and most revered Carpathian families. He prefers his name to be shortened to Les. He is a quirky eccentric young man who loves dressing in female attire. Sometimes he wears cosmetics as well. He has a tendency to be flippant and play pranks, which can misfire on him. Despite his apparent frivolity, he is loyal and dependable. He has sorcery powers and is training to become a Chronomage. He relished the idea of an arranged marriage to Lady Caaryta Halloran, although she took an initial dislike to him at their first meeting. He had to work hard to convince her to go ahead with the marriage.  

Character Profile: Lord Marco Halloran

Lord Marco Halloran is the son of Aravind Halloran and Julia Halloran (formerly Delvichi). He is cheerful, friendly and hard-working. He is also easy-going and quiet in his ways. He chose to follow his mother into the clothing design business. She teaches him and he works alongside her in her workshop and fashion store.  

Character Profile: Lady Caaryta Halloran

Lady Caaryta Halloran is the daughter of Aravind Halloran and Julia Halloran (formerly Delvichi). She is a lively and intelligent young woman. She has sorcery powers but chooses to train as an architect. She values her independence. At first she rails against the marriage arranged for her. Eventually she comes to accept Lord Celeste Entrevi and agrees to marry him.

Character Profile: Yadzah

Yadzah has multi-racial heritage. Her father was half-Sartorian and half-Varagan. Her mother was Virian. She was taken by a begging gang and put out on the streets to elicit pity and donations from passers-by. Lord Andreas Cesario discovered her on a mission and brought her to the Ohrivaal encampment in the Horeb desert of Sartoria. She was subsequently adopted by Nyraldin Halloran and his husband Remyn Saavut. Later, she began training to become the tribe's next Hastamage, under the tuition of her adoptive grandfather Erroll Ohrivaal.