Geryalah Enclave (Former Argili Estate)

Images of enclave/estate made using Bing AI.

Images of library made using Bing AI. 

The former Argili Estate, located in the Geryalah Province of Central Varathusia, was purchased and taken over by the Varathusian branch of the Vyrdigaan Order.  It has been repurposed as a multi-functional space for members of the Vyrdigaan/Carpathian Alliance to live, work and study.

The Estate occupies a vast area of land in the Geryalah countryside.  Within its boundaries are several large mansions, conference chambers, computer laboratories, training facilities for a multitude of disciplines, utility buildings and the huge library famed for its massive collection of books, scrolls and other storage media.

Due to the machinations of Lord Claudio Scalani, the Geryalah Enclave has been designated as one of the Sacred Spaces.




Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan

Character Profile: Gaade Draebyr