Character Profile: Lord Luigi Nentofore


Name: Lord Luigi Nentofore

Origin: Carpathian

Appearance: Short, skinny, light brown skin, bald headed but wears a bandage around his head to cover a wound.  Usually dresses in bandages with odd scraps of fabric attached.  His face and hands are grimy but his body is clean beneath the bandages.

Personality: Eccentric child-like behaviour and childish manner of speech hide a great intellect.  He is a devious Spy Master but most people would not recognise him as such.  He often speaks in riddles and nods and grins a lot.  Gives the impression that he is a babbling fool.  (He was a famous motor racing driver for many years until a serious accident caused him to give up professional driving.  He then became a circus acrobat, but now prefers to live rough in a deprived district in Vaskrath City)

Family: The Nentofore Family, one of the largest families within the Carpathian Way, numbering hundreds of members.  They are Third Echelon, which is a relatively low rank.  Hugely wealthy, their family estates resemble cities.  They are an eccentric family who disdain many of the usual social protocols of the Carpathian Way.

Strengths: Physically very strong and agile.  Expert at hacking, lock-picking, climbing, stunt driving, acrobatics, flying and martial arts.  Is a channeller or empath, able to pick up on people’s emotions easily.  Very caring and nurturing.

Weaknesses: People don’t tend to take him seriously.  His childish babbling can be hard to understand.

Likes: His family, jumping off tall buildings, flying, jumping up and down on beds, living amongst the homeless community, talking in riddles, driving very fast and recklessly.

Dislikes: Formal dressing (although he will scrub up and wear a suit when necessary), injustice, bullying, any threats to his extended family.


Favoured by the Gods

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