Character Profile: Lord Adriano Castiglioni

Image of Lord Adriano Castiglioni made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Lord Adriano Castiglioni

Origin: Carpathian

Appearance: Medium height, heavy build.  Light brown skin and dark eyes.  Jowly face with double chin hidden by beard.  Dark shoulder length hair usually bound in a formal tail at the base of his neck.  He mostly wears business suits.

Personality: Cheerful and positive.  Kind and encouraging.  Fair and honest.  Good business sense but not overly ambitious.

Family: The prestigious Castiglioni family from the Inner Circle of the Carpathian Way.  Married to Lady Everardo (AKA Lady Vera).  They have three sons, Enrico, Furio and Onelo, and one daughter, Riga.  He also has a bastard son, Andreas, from his relationship with his favourite housemaid, Alana Mareco.

Abilities: Business management and negotiations.  His easy-going manner often helps defuse awkward or vexatious situations.

Strengths: Reliable and dependable.  Protective of his family and employees.

Weaknesses: Over-indulgent towards his children.  Lacks focus and discipline.  Doesn’t adapt well to change.

Likes: The finer things in life, spending quality time with his family and favourite employees.  Enjoys watching vintage movies.

Dislikes: Politics, conflicts, physical exercise and sudden changes to his preferred routines.


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