Character Profile: Kyrtaz Syrkassian

Image of Kyrtaz Syrkassian made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Kyrtaz Syrkassian

Origin: Varagan

Appearance: Over seven spans tall, heavy muscular build, long dark messy hair and beard.  There is a mass of scar tissue where his eyes used to be.  His preferred garment is an old oilskin cape.  On rare occasions, he wears priestly robes.

Personality: Guarded and private around strangers.  Loving and protective towards the street people in his community.

Family: The Syrkassian family.

Abilities: Immense strength.  His weak crystal bond helps him to sense his way around, compensating for his lack of eyesight.

Strengths: Good street-fighting and martial arts skills.  Also accomplished at knife-fighting.  Good at reading people.

Weaknesses: Worries a lot, especially about Alana.  Suffers lingering psychological trauma from the sorcerous assault which left him blind.

Likes: Hanging out with the other street people, practising his martial arts and playing chess.

Dislikes: Authority figures and formal occasions.  Feels uncomfortable when he has to leave the streets.


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