Character Profile: Alberto Demarco

Image of Alberto Demarco made using NightCafe AI image generator

Name: Alberto Demarco (original birth name Nhyldrym Voytko)

Origin: Malvanian

Appearance: Tall stature, slim build.  Pale skin.  Black waist length hair which he binds in a formal tail.  Has a well-groomed moustache.  Dresses in black priestly robes.

Personality: Quietly spoken and very precise.  Intensely private.  Caring and compassionate.

Family: Unknown.

Abilities: Sorcery skills, organisational skills and observation skills.  Good at reading people.

Strengths: Calmness and thoroughness.  Attention to detail.  Dedication to his allotted tasks.

Weaknesses: Can be pedantic at times.  Can be a little too passive, not wanting to question his assigned role.

Likes: Research, teaching, reading and playing chess.

Dislikes: Dealing with his Vyrdigaan superiors, having his routines disrupted.


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