Character Profile: Alana Mareco

Image of Alana Mareco made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of Alana Mareco made using Tengr AI image generator

Name: Alana Mareco (birth name Lady Alana Cesario)

Origin: Varathusian, with secret Carpathian heritage

Appearance: Short stature, thin build.  Light brown skin and dark eyes.  Waist length black hair usually tied back with a piece of old bandage.  When on the streets or working in the hostel, she wears brown robes and sandals.  When working in the Castiglioni household, she wears a housemaid’s uniform.

Personality: An odd mix of cynicism and kindness.  Can seem abrasive and argumentative at times.  Cares deeply for the homeless people in her community and is extremely protective of them.

Family: Direct descendent of the Warrior God Martius, through the Entrevi and Cesario families.  Has one son, Andreas, from a relationship with her employer, Lord Adriano Castiglioni.

Abilities: Good at reading people.  Fast learner with natural intelligence.  Basic paramedic skills from her work at the hostel.  Her rare obsidian bond gives her enhanced abilities such as telepathy and greater stamina.

Strengths: Determination, compassion and endurance.

Weaknesses: Overly sensitive and defensive, especially regarding her humble origins.  Quick temper.

Likes: Her chosen family on the streets, working at the hostel, singing, dancing and playing chess.

Dislikes: Authority figures and most wealthy people.  Cannot abide wastefulness and prejudice.


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