Character Profile: Ortiz Ranjustan

Name: Ortiz Ranjustan

Origin: Half-Varah, half-Varagan Gypsy

Appearance: Short and skinny.  Medium brown skin and dark eyes.  Long dark hair and long moustache.  Rodent-like facial features.  Prefers to dress in typical Varagan style with black vest, black baggy trousers and sandals.

Personality: Cheerful friendly extrovert.  Intelligent and resourceful.  Often pretends to be less knowledgeable than he really is.

Family: Unknown.

Abilities: Master level sorcery and chronomancy.  Reasonable martial arts skills.  Superb driving skills.  Good at reading people.

Strengths: Keen agile mind.  Vast knowledge on a variety of topics.

Weaknesses: Can be reckless at times.  Often disobeys his Chronomage and Vyrdigaan superiors and bends the rules.

Likes: Driving his taxi, running his trading business, telling fortunes and helping people.

Dislikes: Authority figures, bullying and injustice.



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