Character Profile: Noriko Aldrych

Image of Noriko Aldrych made using Tengr AI image generator

Image of Noriko Aldrych made using NightCafe AI image generator 

Name: Incandescent Noriko Aldrych (Khmamfrodan Master Shrieker)

Origin: The Khmamfrod region of Yttria

Appearance: Short stature, petite build, giving her a child-like appearance.  Pale skin.  Vestigial brow ridges and heavy epicanthic folds give her dark eyes a mysterious brooding aspect.  Wide mouth with white-painted lips denoting her Master Shrieker status.  Short-cropped dark hair with a single waist length braid hanging from the left side of her head.  Her usual attire consists of bright orange silk robes and brown leather platform sandals.

Personality: Reticent and hard to fathom.  Can seem cold and aloof, especially to non-Yttrians.  Guarded and secretive, but also proud of her heritage and Master Shrieker status.

Family: The Aldrych family.

Abilities: Aureant powers give her limited sorcery skills.  Her mastery of vocal alchemy techniques allows her to use her voice to manipulate people and in extreme cases, even kill them.

Strengths: Martial arts skills which she rarely uses.  Excels at vocal alchemy techniques and speech therapy.  In-depth knowledge of Yttrian history and politics.

Weaknesses: Suffers homesickness and has serious trust issues.  Lacks social skills.

Likes: History, art, nature, meditation and solitude.

Dislikes: Crowds and social gatherings.  Having to leave her home for more than a few hours.


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