Character Profile: Nhadre Ilim

Name: Nhadre Ilim (Priest of the Order of Varagord.  Doesn’t use xis family name of Zyrash)

Origin: Varagan

Appearance: Tall but not as broad as most Varagans.  Long dark wavy hair, often worn in braids.  Medium brown skin and dark eyes.  Three facial piercings a flat stud above each eyebrow and a ring through xis nose.  Gender-fluid.  Likes wearing glittery cosmetics and feminine apparel.

Personality: Cheerful, kind and helpful.

Family: The Zyrash family, although xe had to renounce xis heritage when xe joined the Order of Varagord.

Abilities: Moderate sorcery skills.  Excels at playing the wapa, a traditional Varagan musical instrument.

Strengths: Good social skills.  Wise and knowledgeable.  Flexible attitude and very tolerant in nature.

Weaknesses: Not physically strong compared to most Varagans.  No flair for business dealings.

Likes: Temple life, socialising, partying and playing xis wapa.

Dislikes: Narrow-minded attitudes, prejudice and intolerance.


Favoured by the Gods

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