Character Profile: Lady Bhasmah Tirjistan

Name: Lady Bhasmah Tirjistan (original family name unknown)

Origin: Varagan Gypsy

Appearance: Medium height and slender build.  Medium brown skin and long dark curly hair.  Usually wears red silk robes and covers her face with red gauze veils (the traditional attire of a mute-servant)

Personality: Gentle and timid, but can be assertive on rare occasions.

Family: Unknown.  Brought up in an orphanage run by Varagan gypsies.  Rescued from the slave market by Lord Zawad Tirjistan and adopted into his household.

Abilities: Well-versed in calligraphy and academic skills.  Thorough knowledge of Suskun sign languages.

Strengths: Fast learner.  Excels at academic subjects.  Has a natural grace and poise.

Weaknesses: Not physically strong.  Lacks confidence and suffers from self-doubt at times.  Reluctant to socialise.

Likes: Jewellery, fashions, dancing and studying.

Dislikes: Bullying and prejudice.



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