Spying Crystals


Saavagny Spying Crystal

Vyagite Spying Crystal

As the name suggests, these cylindrical shaped crystals are used for spying.  The creation process is shrouded in mystery.  Sorcerers like to claim these crystals are rare and hard to get hold of but that's not always the case.  They are usually made from Saavagny (green) crystals or Vyagite (blue) crystals.

Only sorcerers can use spying crystals.  A sorcerer has to make a connection between themself and the crystal.  If they know the energy signature of a specific individual, they can use the crystal to spy in that way.  Otherwise, they can use the crystal to spy on a location, which is easier and requires less energy and less concentration.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan