Haedestryah: Goddess of the Beyond


There is no specific religious order for Haedestryah.  People entreat her to spare the lives of their loved ones or to send them back from her halls.  Prayer cycles are recited for someone close to death or recently deceased, asking Haedestryah for the person’s safe passage into her halls and for them to be cared for in the Beyond.

Funeral rituals vary according to culture and religion.  Most rites include prayers and eulogies.  Many cultures prefer to send their deceased loved ones to the Beyond by means of a pyre.  Some cultures bury their dead and conduct rituals over the grave-site.


Ascended Masters and near-death experiencers describe her as an ethereal ghostly woman with pale skin and black hair.  She is said to wear black robes.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Mhaalys Ghraan

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan