Cultural Information: Planet Viria


Viria is also known as the Crystal Planet.  It is famed for its crystalline structure, which has great healing properties.  The Virian folk are deeply spiritual and mystical, with a complex belief system derived from the ancient Sartorian philosophies of Soucoyanism.  Government is largely ineffective, due mainly to the fragmented nature of Virian society.  Virians have always been fiercely clan-orientated, and the bitter, arcane feuds make it difficult to establish communications and transport networks.  The Virian legal system is archaic and closely linked to the Holy Temple.  Virians are cheerful and resourceful folk, though many of the remoter clans remain suspicious of foreigners and resistant to changing times.  In the larger cities and more densely populated areas, the society functions along similar lines to Yttria and Malvania, but in remoter areas, the clans tend to be nomadic and warlike.  Virians have a strong sense of honour and family always comes first.

The Northern Region has a cold climate, while the Southern and Central Regions have a warmer climate.


Favoured by the Gods

Character Profile: Szandyr Pyrssen

Character Profile: Cornelyuus Helvellyan

Character Profile: Gaade Draebyr